So we may have spent the entire 4.5 hour flight (both ways) to Vegas looking at my 415 photos of sweet baby O on my iPod while simultaneously watching a movie on Charm City Daddy's---BUT we made it!
I only called my mom once a day--usually midday-- to check on her. I felt like I hit the jackpot when O was actually whining and fussing in the background on one of the calls.
My parents loved taking care of her and I loved the security and assurance of knowing she was in good hands. They said she was excellent and only woke once during the night on Friday and Saturday nights, which is great because she has been doing the same thing for us--usually at 3 am.
The dog, on the other hand, got a BAD report card. Hmm. I think he is acting out from the neglect he's been experiencing since the baby arrived. Poor fella. His life will be lots better when Olivia is big enough to play with him because he LOVES kids and knows how to play hide and go seek with my nieces.
I thought leaving Olivia would be the hardest thing about traveling without her, but making the time to pump breastmilk to keep up my supply and provide myself some relief was pretty tricky too. I had been putting off buying the portable pump but I had to breakdown and do it for this weekend.

I bought the Ameda Purely Yours double electric which runs on batteries, car charges and AC power. Not the bag and all of the other tricks--just the pump and I throw it in a Vera Bradley tote that Olivia got at one of her showers.
Its not the pump I had planned to buy, but I REALLY like it. It uses the same parts as my hospital rental and its extremely easy to use (and fast!), assemble, clean (tubing never touches milk), and portable. I've got it down.
So anyway--it was convenient to have the pump this weekend but not fun to have to dump all of that liquid gold over and over again--just when I started getting 3 ounces! So Bittersweet...just like leaving your baby for a getaway with your husband.
Btw--I was WELL BEHAVED in the Tory Burch boutique in Vegas although I nearly walked out of there with my 3rd diaper bag. Just LOOK at this beauty...
It caught me totally off guard. Tory Burch has baby bags? I didn't see it coming--but I averted the impulsive buy---for's still available online (with free shipping). O!
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