Friday, April 29

Two Under Two

Parenting has fuzzy math. For some reason I thought having one kid and adding another to the mix, just might be double the work. WRONG! Adding a newborn to the mix with an energetic toddler already on board is more like 2.5 to 3 times the work.  No wonder parents stop at two kids. And the whole "man-to-man defense thing" describing how two parents balance two kids is big an understatement. You still need help.

Based on our preliminary experiences of the last 4 weeks, here's what I have come to believe:
  1.  Parents with one kid --a balanced decision of both the head and heart (50/50).
  2.  Parents with two kids --a slightly unbalanced decision of heart over head (60/40).
  3.  Parents with three kids --the result of losing one's head or a birth control malfunction(75/25).
  4.  Parents with 4 or more kids --total surrender and submission. 
"I make midnight visits to my parents' room."
Keep in mind Charm City Daddy and I have always said we wanted 4 kids, but I must say we are reconsidering this theory everytime we:
  • buy diapers or change a diaper
  • try to leave the house on time.
  • consider going to church service.
  • consider going out to eat.
  • are awakened by one or both children and kept up all night trying to keep them asleep and or in their beds.
  • see a preview for a new movie we know we'll never see in theatres.
And many more---and we're only 4 weeks in!

Sure the positives far outweigh the negative and in reality we want to have as many children as God will bless us with--and we can afford (let's not kid ourselves). Right now the magic number is two. We are blessed and at times--just a tad stressed, but it's alllll good.

I just needed to speak the truth for a moment.

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