Charm City Daddy (CCD) and I both love to spend time and money in the bookstore. In fact, he almost brought me to one on our first date--although quaint, that would have been a mistake. Our tapas, drinks, and dancing obviously turned out to be the best date I've ever had.
Anyway...within a few hours of seeing "Pregnant" on the EPT, I found myself in a bookstore in the parenting section with a good friend of mine, Kev. I bought up everything I could rationalize buying and what I didn't buy, Kev bought. I told you he was a really good friend. :)
So here's our baby library so far...
A classic... What to Expect When You're Expecting by Murkoff & Mazel
A weekly briefing...Your Pregnancy Week By Week by Curtis & Schuler
A picture book...I'm Pregnant! by Regan (highly recommended by a friend)
A recipe book...I'm Pregnant Now What Do I Eat? by Riciotti & Connelly
A name book...Cool Names for Babies by Satran & Rosenkrantz (Thanks Kev!)
A daddy book...The Expectant Father by Brott & Ash (Thanks Kev!)
We've also been relying on the web for pics too....http://www.babycenter.com/ has some good stuff like videos of sonograms...pretty neat.
Next...Parent Education Classes and perhaps, Pregnancy Yoga!
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