I don't know what it is about Mexican food, but I have been really feeling it through my pregnancy. First it was fajitas, and now its hard tacos--or Mexican gumbo! This week and last week alone I've had Mexican fast food 5 times.
What's sad is I actually wanted it more times than that but just compromised with Charm City Daddy on what he wanted for lunch or dinner instead.
So, anyway through my frequent trips to Qdoba and Chipotle, I've been able to decifer which is my favorite. By the way, I've totally given up on Baja Fresh. I don't know what happened to them. They used to be so good, but my last two trips there were very bland and disappointing.

Qdoba wins by a mile for me. Their ingredients just taste juicy and fresh. What should be cold taste cold (like sour cream is cold) and what should be warm is warm. Their crispy tacos stay crispy and don't go soggy quickly like Chipotle. Their pico de gallo is chunkier. I like their green chile better than Chipotle. And, Qdoba has Mexican gumbo--the best thing EVER on a rainy day.
Qdoba also has something Chipotle doesn't have...Cholula Hot Sauce. Mmmm.

I love that I can just sit privately with the cute little wooden capped bottle at my table whilst I devour my messy tacos.
There is a Chipotle within walking distance of my house, so I often settle for that, but whenever I get an excuse to travel a short 6-8 miles north, I partake in Qdoba, which is conveniently located near the Babies R Us as is another local favorite place of mine "Pickles and Chips" good sandwiches but ENORMOUS $1 pickles...need I say more?
A great thing about being pregnant is people don't judge you when you are a regular at one of these establishments and can often be found at any time of day eating in a booth by your lonesome. They just smile and say "awwww."
(Sigh) So the countdown begins. Only 9 weeks left to stuff my face with no remorse. I think I'm gonna miss this part of pregnancy the most.
Pregnant or not...what are you craving?
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